Introducing the CTL® Safe Ink Label

The CTL® Safe Ink Label promotes safety and regulatory compliance in the tattoo and permanent make-up industry. It ensures that inks meet the stringent requirements of the EU REACH Regulation. Join the growing community of responsible suppliers, producers, and consumers committed to prioritising safety and quality in the industry.

Tattoo Laboratorium

What is the
CTL® Safe Ink Label?

The CTL® Safe Ink Label is a prestigious recognition for suppliers and producers in the tattoo and permanent make-up industry. This label means a commitment to responsible practices among suppliers and producers, providing consumers with a safe ink tested by us. The label is given to those that have passed our stringent criteria and have opted for a traceability label.

Criteria for Receiving the CTL® Safe Ink Label

Document Check

All ingredients must meet the conditions of Regulation 1907/2006 (REACH). A thorough review of the product formulations is conducted to ensure that no prohibited substances are deliberately used in the specified colour.

Chemical Analyses

The tests must confirm that no chemical or element exceeds the limit specified in Regulation 1907/2006 (REACH). Comprehensive lab analysis of free amines, including screening for preservatives and phthalates, heavy metals, and PAHs, is performed.

Sterility Tests

No biological contamination should be detected in the sample. A variety of potential biological contamination is tested to ensure product sterility.

The Significance of the CTL® Tattoo and PMU Database

Database Listing

Being listed in the CTL® Tattoo and PMU Database is significant for suppliers and producers, as it provides a platform for showcasing their dedication to safety and quality.

Resource for Consumers

As a comprehensive database, it serves as a valuable resource for consumers seeking reliable and compliant products.

Benefits of the CTL® Safe Ink Label

The CTL® Safe Ink Label ensures that products which they use have been thoroughly tested for compliance with the REACH regulation. This provides consumers confidence and trust in the safety of the colours being used.
For Consumers
The CTL® Safe Ink Label ensures their commitment to responsible practices and safe, high-quality products. This demonstrates dedication to upholding the highest standards in the industry and benefits credibility in the market.
For Suppliers and Producers
Proven application of responsible practices in the production of products while meeting compliance.
Brand 1
Delivering the safest products available in the industry and meeting stringent CTL Safe Ink Label criteria.
Brand 2

Success Stories from CTL® Safe Ink Label Brands

A Selection of CTL® Safe Ink Brands in Our Database

How the CTL® Safe Ink Label Promotes Responsible Practices

1. Safety and Quality

The CTL® Safe Ink Label creates a safer and more transparent tattoo and permanent make-up industry by promoting responsible practices among suppliers and producers.

2. Compliance

CTL® Safe Ink Label products demonstrate the brands commitment to safety compliance by meeting the rigorous criteria of the CTL® tests.

3. Consumer Trust

The label provides trust and safety for consumers and supports responsible practices among suppliers and producers.

Discover More About The CTL Safe Ink Label

Explore the CTL® Tattoo and PMU Database to find safe, compliant products for your tattoo and permanent make-up needs. Join the growing community of responsible suppliers, producers, and consumers committed to prioritising safety and quality in the industry.

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